How to Get Rid of Possums from Your Home & Yard?

How to Get Rid of Possums from Your Home and Yard?

How to Get Rid of Possums from Your Home and Yard?

Get Rid of Possums

Have you seen a rat-like wild creature lurking around your home at night? It can be a possum. By looking at their cute tails and innocent faces, you might not get the idea of the danger you are facing right now. These pests can attack your kids and pets and wreak havoc in your surroundings. Even though hiring a local pest exterminator is the guaranteed and safest way to get rid of possums, here we have given some home remedies that you can try:

4 Effective Ways to Remove Possums

Possums are nocturnal pests that are active at night. Like other pests, they are not easy to catch without a plan. Their hiding patterns and similar habits make them tricky to catch. So, here we have given four super-effective methods that you can use to remove a possum from your property:

1. Live Traps

Killing a possum is restricted by law in many Australian states. So, it’s convenient to use a live trap and catch them alive. However, you have to call your local authorities to relocate the pest. If you hire a company that offers possum removal service, they will set up the traps, catch the creature and relocate it in the wild, far away from your home. These experts safely remove and relocate the pests without any hassle. But, if you want to do it yourself, here is what you should keep in mind:

  • Buy a medium-size trap so the possum won’t get stuck while entering the cage.
  • Keep dry food, apples, fish or canned pet food as bait.
  • Inspect the pest’s movements and choose a suitable location for the trap. Put it where you find more possum activities regularly.
  • Keep an eye on your pets and kids too so as not to trap them in the cage.
  • Relocate the pests at least five miles away from your home.

You may catch the possum alive in a trap, but relocating them is tricky. Ensure safety before taking these steps and hire a local pest exterminator to relocate these creatures.

2. Motion-Activated Sprinklers

These devices act like visual repellents, also called sight aversion. As the name suggests, these sprinklers detect the motion around and burst the water to startle the animal. The sudden water stroke frightens the creature, and they keep a distance from your property.

Suppose a possum grows comfortable with the sudden water attack. In that case, it may not serve the purpose, and you may have to use another technique or call experts that offer possum removal to remove them.

3. Electronic Repellents

You can also use ultrasonic waves to repel possums. These electronic repellents are safe and mess-free. The flashing LED strobes of these devices to annoy the pests. These electrically powered appliances emit high-frequency sounds that cause discomfort to rodents and possums. These solar-powered devices can be a harmless way of removing pests from the surroundings.

4. Chemical Repellents

Electrical repellents attack the pests’ sense of sound, whereas chemical repellents use their sense of smell. These scent-like products are safe to use around kids and your furry friends. However, these are the least effective, and you may have to combine this method with any other treatments mentioned above for a better and quicker result. You can also ask your local pest experts about the best repellents to keep possums at bay.

Now, as you know the different methods, you can choose the most convenient one or combine all these to get rid of possums from your property. Be careful while planning their extermination.

Additional Tips for Possum Control

  • Always clean your yard and garden and keep it free from fallen fruits or berries.
  • Do not keep garbage bags or pet food outside at night.
  • Seek off any unintended access points to your property like cracks in vents, screens or walls. Possums can break these shields and enter your space.
  • Trim the long tree branches so they won’t help the possum to climb your roof.
  • Close pet doors at night as possums may enter the home through them.
  • Declutter your surroundings, so these pests won’t find it attractive to hide in the daytime.

No matter how hard you try, no DIY can replace an expert that offers guaranteed pest removal service in your areas. However, finding these experts can be tricky, but not anymore. Call Local Pest Control Hobart now and see how we remove all types of pests, insects and creatures from your property! We are here to make your place pest-free with our natural and effective treatments.

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