Best Flea Control Service Hobart | Flea Control Hobart

Flea Control Hobart

Local Pest Control Hobart – A Trusted Companion to Combat Flea From Your Home!

Flea Control Hobart

Fleas are a common sight in houses where there are pets like cats or dogs. They do not attack humans and only feast upon the pets. However, pets are prone to get tapeworm-like diseases through flea attacks, and the same might get to the pet owner too. Hence, it is important to keep fleas away from your house. Local Pest Control Hobart is proficient in eliminating fleas from your home in the most effective manner.

Why do you need to invest in Flea Control Hobart?

  • Fleas do not attack humans directly, but they do cause irritation as they move around your skin.
  • Their spiky legs, backward-pointing hair, and their spines make it easier for them to hide in between the fur of pet animals.
  • This causes the pet to scratch themselves. This is an indication that your pet is infected by a flea and is causing allergic reactions to your pet.
  • All you have to do is contact Local Pest Control Hobart to get the most accurate Flea Control Hobart service.

Harmful effects due to Flea infestation

  • Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD) is the result of discomfort and itchiness caused by flea attacks on pets. This condition causes pus bumps on them which might cause hair loss also.
  • Another serious disease is anemia, which is common among cats suffering from flea infestation. It must be treated immediately to avert any further complications.
  • Humans may contract Murine Typhus due to flea infestation.

Why Local Pest Control Hobart is the Best Flea Control Hobart service?

Flea infestation must not be ignored at the first sight. If not treated on time, it not just your pets, even you are at high risk of contracting diseases. Fleas can land up in your house from anywhere in search of warm-blooded animals. So, before the problem gets dangerous, do book a Flea Control Hobart service with Local Pest Control Hobart. Here are some more reasons to trust us for Flea Control:

  • We offer same-day services and emergency services.
  • We use only eco-friendly and pet-safe products.
  • Our services are available 24×7
  • We guarantee 100% customer satisfaction
  • Our prices are quite affordable
  • All treatments are done by trained and certified professionals
  • Our experts are friendly and trustworthy
  • We offer round-the-clock customer support services.

Let us know what are your concerns, and we promise to give you the best Flea Control Hobart.

Flea Pest Control Hobart

What are the common types of Fleas?

It is important to identify and know what kind of flea has been attacking your pets. This information can be useful in choosing the right type of flea control service. The most common types of flea species are:

Cat Flea

Cat Flea is the most common type of flea species in Australia attacking dogs, rats, and other mammals, seldom humans. Domestic cats are the primary host of these reddish-brown fleas. Cat fleas are mostly found in the places cats rest, like in their baskets. They live in between the cat fur and feed on its blood. They are about 3 mm long and have thin legs.

Dog Flea

The dog flea is found in between dog fur and feasts on its blood. They measure about 1 mm to 4 mm and appear brown.

Dog Flea attacks mammals, domestic dogs, and cats. Dog fleas look like cat fleas but are not so common.

If you observe your pet scratching any part of the body unusually, you must first check for flea bites on the pet, and seek professional help to get rid of the flea.

Trust in Local Pest Control Hobart to fight flea infestation in the most effective way.

How to Spot a Flea Bite?

  • If your pet cat or dog is constantly scratching any part of its body and also biting that particular part, then that can because of a flea bite.
  • Flea bites on humans can cause discomfort, itchiness, irritation, and redness. But it is hard to say it is due to flea bites because even other insect bites have a similar reaction on humans.
  • Flea bites appear brown or red, a swollen bump may appear within some time of the bite.

As soon as you spot any flea bites or observe your pet’s flea bite let us know right away. We at Local Pest Control Hobart are always ready to fight stubborn fleas and give you and your pets a safe living environment. Our professionals are capable of handling all kinds of pest infestation. Our methods and chemicals are completely safe for you and your pets. Contact us on and let us know your questions and concerns regarding Flea Control Hobart.

How to prevent flea infestation?

It is better to be alert and prepared than to be clueless after fleas infest your pets. If you wish to prevent flea infestations, there are certain precautionary steps you can take on a regular basis.

  • Routinely vacuum your rooms, mattresses, carpets, and upholstery furniture to steer clear of fleas.
  • High temperatures of 50℃ or above can kill most fleas and bugs.
  • Keep your pets clean and well-groomed.
  • A solution of apple cider vinegar and water can be sprayed on you pet’s fur to remove fleas.
  • Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a non-toxic and effective way to kill fleas by dehydarting their bodies.

If the above methods are not working in your favour, contact Local Pest Control Hobart for quick pest control service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How fleas enter my house?

Answer: Fleas need warm places to survive. They feast on warm-blooded animals, your pets, finding their way from the garden.

2. How can I decrease the number of fleas around my house?

Answer: Regular vacuuming of all rooms, mattresses, carpets, cervices, and furniture will help in reducing the number of fleas around the house. Furthermore, keep your pet’s hair well-groomed and trimmed.

3. Is your Flea Control treatment safe for my family?

Answer: Yes, the products we make use of to get rid of fleas are safe for your family and pets. If at all there is any pesticide not suitable for your pets, we will inform you accordingly. Our pest control experts are well-trained to carry out a safe Flea Control Hobart treatment without causing any discomfort to you.

4. How do I know if my dog has a flea bite?

Answer: If you see your dog scratching a body part continuously and there are bite marks, then there is a possibility of flea infestation. It is best advised to contact Flea Control Hobart experts to clear all fleas from your house and take your pet to a vet too.

5. How much do you charge for Flea Control Hobart?

Answer: Our services are nominally charged and guarantee to give you the best results. Contact us to get a free quote on Flea Control Hobart.

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